What’s This About?

In a nutshell?

Finally! A podcast which unveils what people really, actually, do in their work / jobs! … AND what they get up to, outside of their work lives as well!

WORK, REST and PLAY are things we all do every day, and that’s essentially what this show is about.

In this casual, interview-style podcast we dissect, decipher and demystify the WORK, REST and PLAY aspects of the lives of every day inspirational people.

There are 2 main segments to each interview:
1. WORK: First we dive deep about work / careers – what do people REALLY, ACTUALLY do in their jobs? How did they get to where they are? What do they love/hate about their jobs? Etc. etc.
We also delve into things like career advice, self-improvement, and more.

2. REST and PLAY: In the second part of the show we discuss in detail, what people do to recharge, release stress, and have fun! It’s fascinating to discover what people get up to for REST and PLAY – You’ll hear plenty of information, hints and tips about the REST and PLAY aspects of our lives, and who knows? You might be inspired to try something new or rekindle a passion you’ve been putting off.

.. and so…
(click subscribe =P), press play, sit back, and enjoy the show: We WORK, REST and PLAY!

Who’s this for?

It’s for anyone asking questions like:

  • What’s a potential passion I can pursue?
  • What does a <insert occupation> do? I mean really do?
  • What job or career(s) do I want to pursue?
  • Should I quit my job and pursue something else?
  • I’m looking for a new hobby or recreational activity.
  • I want to learn more about my existing hobby/job/industry!
  • How can I enjoy life more?
  • I just enjoy good ‘ole hearty, genuine, fun, informative conversation!

If you can relate to any of these questions, then I hope you will benefit from this podcast.
… who knows?… Maybe you’ll be inspired to pursue potential careers or hobbies that you never really thought about, or didn’t even know existed!


We will talk with every day inspirational people about careers – that is – what they do for a living and what it is they actually do, and what they love (and hate) about their jobs.

I hope this section will be informative for students who are asking themselves, “what on earth do I want to do for a career?… I don’t knoooooow!?!?!?!?!”  I hope this section will give a real life insight into what to expect and what not to expect, and help you make more of an informed decision about this type of thing. You might have a vague idea of what certain jobs are about – but what do they actually, really do? What is fulfilling about them? What is annoying about them? What type of lifestyle would it mean?….. etc

I hope this section also helps those who are already working, but considering a career change… wondering what’s out there, and asking questions like: “What could be suitable for me?…. What could I actually get some fulfillment from doing?” As opposed to dreading to go to work every day. Or it might have the opposite effect , where you realise, “Actually, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, what I’m doing ain’t that bad after all! … I’ll stick with what I’m doing.” Often it’s just about learning to be grateful for what we already have, rather than constantly wanting what we don’t.

This section will also be interesting to those who are curious what their family members, friends, or relatives do for a living. Or maybe you’re just curious about the world and want to get a better understanding of the countless roles everyone plays, which somehow keeps our dynamic global society chugging along.


From careers we’ll then move onto life outside of the day job. We transition towards Rest, by chatting about any “side-projects/jobs” pursued – if applicable.
We then discuss Rest specifically, where we talk about rituals, and what people do to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge.


We then move onto the final segment: Play. This is about recreation, special interests and hobbies – what keeps us sane by providing some respite from the hustle and bustle of this world.

The Rest and Play parts of our lives often get neglected. So much focus is put on “I want that job… What career do I pursue?…. I need to work, work, work…”. It’s just as important to dedicate time to what you really enjoy for the Rest and Play aspects of our lives.

Life’s about balance, and it’s there to be enjoyed!

(The Rest and Play segments – as you’d expect – will often overlap quite a lot. Sometimes these sections will be combined, and at other times, separated.)

This Is For You

I’d like to emphasize that the main objective of this, is to be a podcast which YOU will actually find helpful and entertaining. I’d like to encourage you to please send through any feedback via the online blog at www.weworkrestandplay.com, or email at: weworkrestandplay@gmail.com.

  • Tell me what you liked or didn’t like.
  • What type of questions would you like me to cover which I may have missed?
  • If there is a specific type of person or topic you would like included?
  • Or any other comments or questions.

Please let me know and I’ll see what I can do to make it happen! Oh and of course, feel free to drop me a note to just say hello!

Overall I expect this podcast to evolve and be chopped-and-changed based on what YOU want. If at least a few people enjoy it… we’ll keep going and see how far we go. If this crashes and burns, that’s fine too. At least we gave it a shot and that’s what it’s all about!

So please sit back, turn the volume up, and enjoy, as we WORK, REST and PLAY !